Making It Home Event; Uncovering Solutions to Older Women’s Housing with Jane Caro - Thursday 16th March 2023

Shining a light on homelessness in older women

A film screening and panel discussion will highlight the issue of homelessness among older women. This important event tackles the disturbing fact that more than 5000 women over 55 in Melbourne’s East could be at risk of housing insecurity and explores why and what can be done to create better outcomes.

Eastern Affordable Housing Alliance (EAHA) and Monash University XYX Lab invite you to Making It Home: Uncovering Solutions to Older Women’s Housing - featuring a screening of the documentary Under Cover followed by a panel discussion chaired by social commentator and activist Jane Caro.

The film follows 10 women whose lives haven’t panned out the way they expected. They've lived in nice houses, worked good jobs, educated their children and then suddenly life unravelled and through no fault of their own they found themselves unable to pay their rent or mortgage.

Panelists will include leading advocates and researchers, including Dr Kate Rayner, lead researcher for EAHA’s Preventing Homelessness in Women Over 55 project.

EAHA Chairperson, Cr Rebecca Paterson of Monash City Council, said “Rising rents in the private rental market, living alone, working part-time, having little savings, and being Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander or from a non-English speaking country are among the factors placing older women at greater risk of homelessness”.

Making It Home will take place at 6.00pm Thursday 16 March 2023 at Karralyka Centre, Mines Road, Ringwood, with tickets $10 per person, purchase tickets at via Karralyka Ticket Sales. People experiencing financial barriers, can register for a free ticket and assistance with transport via the ticket webpage above.

This event is made possible by funding from the Victorian Government’s Metropolitan Partnerships Development Fund.

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Preventing homelessness among older women