Reports and Submissions

Preventing Homelessness Among Older Women Project Phase Two Report (2023)

This report summarises findings from Phase Two of the Project and focuses on two key solutions:

  1. How retirement villages and Independent Living Units can better support older women at risk of homelessness; and

  2. How under-utilised buildings and homes can be utilised to unlock much-needed housing supply.

Submission on the National Housing and Homelessness Agreement (2022)

Submission to Productivity Commission on the National Housing and Homelessness Agreement (2022) prepared by the Regional Local Government Homelessness and Social Housing Charter Group

Preventing Homelessness Among Older Women Project (2022-2023)

Led by Knox City Council, the EAHA has commissioned an action research project, with funding from the Victorian Government, Eastern Metropolitan Partnerships.  The project aims to build an understanding of older women’s homelessness in Melbourne’s eastern region and recommend ways to intervene early and prevent this problem.