
EAHA recognises that the issue of social and affordable housing, while primarily the responsibility of State and Federal government, requires a partnership with Local Government to enable the challenges of supply and demand to be met in our region.   We know a commitment across three levels of government is necessary to address the inadequate supply of social and affordable housing.

EAHA advocates on behalf of the region for increased investment with the aim of increasing the supply of social and affordable housing. We seek to:

  • Advise – provide advice on regional issues to inform and assist a government response

  • Partner – partner with government on the development of policy, planning, strategies and investment decisions

  • Advocate – advocate for appropriate government funding to invest in social and affordable housing and related support services;

  • Innovate – identify opportunities and innovative housing solutions

  • Collaborate – bring alignment between players to deliver better housing outcomes for our region.

A partnership approach

EAHA Councils are proud members of the Regional Local Government Homelessness and Social Housing Group.

Thirteen councils representing 2 million residents in Melbourne’s east and southeast have joined in a unified voice calling for urgent action for more social housing* to end homelessness.

We want more housing as the first step to address the often complex social and health needs of the region’s most vulnerable community members.

Providing a safe home first, as part of a broader social housing framework, is the way to stem the increase in homelessness. Only then can the compounding set of circumstances which leads to homelessness be properly addressed to enable better outcomes for vulnerable people facing extreme adversity.

The alliance of councils has adopted a Charter to guide this campaign - The Regional Local Government Homelessness & Social Housing Charter 2020(PDF, 1MB)